Skills technology foresight

Skills technology foresight

Skills technology foresight

25 November–15 December 2024
The course is available in English
Introduction to the course

As the best practices of educational policymaking contribute to improvements in all areas of economic development, the design of future-oriented education policies is a research priority. In this context, skills needs anticipation in educational policy is the practice that brings harmony to the labour market: in the mid and long term, provided that educational institutions have enough time and information to adjust, the labour market obtains professionals with competencies relevant to market needs, thus closing skills gaps. This is particularly relevant to the technology-driven industries, which are the focal points concentrating research and development, foreign direct investment, talent and cutting-edge technology. At the same time, emerging technologies also influence more traditional sectors, such as agriculture, and this in turn influences skills needs. Given the close connection between skills and technologies, new tools that take into account the specifics of technology-driven sectors are required to assess future skills needs. This e-learning course will equip participants with the necessary skills to run skills technology foresight exercises to assess the future skills needs of their economies and societies.

Who attends this course?

The audience for this micro-course is mainly people who take decisions on conducting surveys and oversee their implementation (in ministries, human resource development agencies and other relevant bodies) and those directly involved in foresight design and implementation, such as survey managers, data collectors and analysts.

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