The global economy is navigating through uncharted waters, facing a series of interconnected challenges that call for innovative and progressive economic policies. The UN's World Economic Situation and Prospects report for 2024 projects a slowdown in global growth from an estimated 2.7 per cent in 2023 to 2.4 per cent in 2024. According to this flagship economic report, the short-term prospect is marked by persistently high interest rates, supply chain constraints, inflationary pressures, and geopolitical tensions, which contribute to a climate of economic uncertainty. Similarly, the ILO World Employment and Social Outlook (WESO): Trends 2024 report points to the deterioration of the macroeconomic environment over 2023. It also highlights the ongoing geopolitical tensions as well as persistent and broadening inflation prompting central banks in advanced and emerging economies to undertake the most rapid escalation of interest rates since the 1980s. At the same time, the WESO report states that despite the economic slowdown and increasing fragility, labour markets showed surprising resilience. Both the unemployment rate and the jobs gap have fallen below pre-pandemic values. The global unemployment rate in 2023 showed a modest improvement in comparison to 2022, with a record of 5.1 per cent. Moreover, in 2023, labour market participation rates had largely recovered from their pandemic lows. Nevertheless, the situation is predicted to deteriorate in 2024, with an additional 2 million workers expected to be looking for jobs and a general erosion of living standards resulting from inflation is unlikely to be compensated quickly. This situation is compounded by an increasing economic divide between higher and lower income countries. In the latter, the jobs gap rates are markedly higher and working poverty continues to persist at unacceptably high levels. Moreover, while job gaps between men and women are consistently wider across all country income groups, gender differences are most pronounced in low-income and lower-middle income countries. Although the imbalances eased somewhat in 2023, there is a growing concern that these labour market imbalances are structural, rather than cyclical. The employment landscape is hence reflecting a mixed post-pandemic recovery across the globe. Consequently, the post-pandemic economic and social recovery remains incomplete and new vulnerabilities are hindering progress on social justice. This highlights the critical need for a strategic redirection in economic policy-making that not only navigates through these immediate challenges but also paves the way for sustainable and job-rich growth. The "Economic Policies for Inclusive Job-Rich Growth" course, devised by the Employment Policy and Analysis Programme of the International Training Centre of the ILO in partnership with the ILO Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, will equip participants with the insights and tools necessary for crafting strategies that respond to these complex challenges and with a robust understanding of how to foster economic resilience and job-rich growth. This course is positioned as a vital platform and essential resource for policymakers, economists, and professionals seeking to make a tangible impact within their respective fields. It stands as an evolved successor to the previous year's course, transitioning the focus from the COVID-19 aftermath to a broader, forward-looking perspective on economic resilience and inclusivity. This year's edition tackles these issues head-on, providing a comprehensive understanding of the global economic situation and its implications for employment creation. As inflation remains a stubborn hurdle and supply chain disruptions continue to impact economies worldwide, the course's programme is designed to offer nuanced insights into managing these challenges effectively.
The course is of particular interest to policy-makers, planners, technical officials of relevant ministries, and other technical experts from relevant institutions with basic economic understanding of economic principles. In particular, the course caters for policy advisors and practitioners from ministries of labour and employment, finance, economy and planning, sectoral ministries, central banks, social partners, researchers and policy analysts from international, regional and national organisations, academia and donor organisations who are seeking an advanced training on economic policies. A gender-balanced participation is sought.
The main objective of the course is to strengthen the capacities of policymakers and social partners in the design and implementation of macroeconomic, sectoral and labour market policies and strategies to foster a robust and inclusive growth from unfolding crises while investing in longer-term structural transformation processes required to meet the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.
The course aims at providing a comprehensive hands-on overview of analytical tools and the policy instruments that support policy makers, analysts and practitioners through a better understanding on how fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate/debt policies, frame sectoral strategies, and structural transformation processes and economic diversification, and how they impact on productive employment creation, in particular on women and youth.
Through this course, participants will gain access to cutting-edge research, case studies, and policy tools that are essential for navigating the complex terrain of global economics in 2024 and beyond. The course refers to the ILO’s policy and normative instruments and its long-standing experience in research and technical advisory services to assist governments and social partners work towards employment goals, now adapted to the challenges of the ongoing context of policy crisis.
This module sets the context for the rest of the course by examining key issues and trends in the labour market in the current context of multiple global policy crisis. It sets out the policy opportunities and challenges in supporting robust and inclusive development in response to ongoing geo-economic fragility.
This module discusses the current rapidly changing macroeconomic context and the key elements of a pro-employment macroeconomic policy framework required to support aggregate demand, productive investment and structural transformation. It will also address the issue of inequality, the persistence of which undermines macroeconomic performance, economic growth and job creation, and discuss policy measures to address inequality including those potentially emanating from artificial intelligence (AI) developments.
This module defines gender-responsive macroeconomic and sectoral policies from different perspectives and reviews their implementation as a response to the continuing economic challenges. Lessons learnt from the application of cutting edge policy tools in diverse developing countries contexts will be presented and discussed based on their potential to avoid women being left behind in growth and structural transformation processes.
This module will deal with and provide practical examples of analytical tools to identify potentially promising sectors for technological upgrading, export potential and the creation of decent jobs.
This module examines skills development systems and how to make these systems more supportive of recovery and structural transformation, in addition to making them more responsive to the demands of rapid technological change.
This module will discuss how to ensure the effective and coordinated implementation of the different policy interventions highlighted during the course, including through the critical role of social dialogue in promoting a sustained job-rich and inclusive economy.
This course is offered fully online through the ITCILO e-Campus platform. Furthermore, the course offers options for live debate and discussions through online webinars, which provide an optional opportunity for engaging with experts and peers.
Each module combines online materials, one weekly webinar delivered by ILO experts and ITC-ILO facilitators and offline learning activities to allow participants dive deeper into each topic and share with their peers. The course entails also the completion of an assignment that will be assessed by the ITC-ILO course team at the end of the course.
A certificate of achievement will be issued for participants who complete the following criteria:
The course will be delivered in English.
Find the application form at and apply before 26 August 2024.
The course is fee-paying.
Tuition: €1,135
ITC-ILO will offer a limited number of fellowships which may cover part of the tuition fee. If eligible, early applicants will be given priority. Please make sure to apply at earliest convenience before the above mentioned deadline.
International Training Centre of the ILO
Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10
10127 Turin – Italy
phone: +39 011 693 6888 / +390116936549