
Board 2023
The Board of the Centre

The Board comprises 24 members appointed by the Governing Body of the ILO. Half are government representatives and the rest are split evenly between employers’ and workers’ organization representatives. The Government of Italy, the region of Piedmont, the City of Turin, and the Unione Industriali Torino are also represented.

It meets once a year with a mandate to approve the general guidelines and budget of the Centre and submits the reports of its meetings to the Governing Body of the ILO.

Rules of procedure: Statute of the Centre and Rules of Procedure of the Board 

Membership: List of members 


Officers of the Board (May 2024)


88th Session of the Board (October 2024)

Item 1: 

  • Progress Report for 2024 Document CC 88/1/2 (for information) 


Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:

  • Human resources questions Document CC 88/5 (for decision)

Item 6:

  • Administrative questions Document CC 88/6 (for information)

Item 7:

  • Report of the Trade Union Training Committee Document CC 88/7/a (for information)
  • Report presented at the Committee
  • Report of the Employers’ Training Committee Document CC 88/7/b (for information)
  • Report presented at the Committee

Powerpoint presented at the Board

Report of the meeting of the Board Document GB352/INS/18




Officers of the Board (May 2023)


87th Session of the Board (October 2023)

Item 1: 


Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:

Item 6:

Item 7:

Item 8:

Powerpoint presented at the Board

Report of the meeting of the Board Document GB349/INS/17

86th Session of the Board (October 2022)

Item 1: 


Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:

Item 6:

Item 7:

Powerpoint presented at the Board

Report of the meeting of the Board Document GB346/INS/16


Officers of the Board (May 2022)

85th Session of the Board (October 2021)

Item 1:


Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:

Item 6:

Item 7:

Item 8 :



84th Session of the Board (24 May 2021)



Officers of the Board (14 May 2021)


 - NEW Agenda and list of documents Document CC 83 rev: (for information)

Item 1:


Item 2:

Item 3:

Item 4:

Item 5:

Item 6:

Item 7:

Item 8:

List of members Document CC 83/INF.1

Attendance list Document CC 83/INF.2

Report of the meeting of the Board


Officers of the Board (May 2020)



Agenda and list of documents (Document CC 82)

Item 1: 

Item 2:

Item 3: 

Item 4:

Item 5: 

Item 6:

Item 7:

List of members (Document CC 82/INF.1)

Attendance list (Document CC 82/INF.2) 

Report of the meeting of the Board of the Centre

Powerpoint presented at the meeting

Officers of the Board (May 2019)


Officers of the Board (May 2018)

Officers of the Board (May 2017)

Officers of the Board (May 2016)

Officers of the Board (May 2015)

Board October 2014

Board May 2014