ILO entrepreneurship trainers’ database

ILO entrepreneurship trainers’ database

 ILO entrepreneurship trainers’ database
Certified Trainers Database

Find a qualified business management trainer. Search the directory of trainers certified to deliver training courses on the ILO renowned training packages: Start and Improve Your Business, and GET Ahead for Women in Enterprise.

Start and improve your business
Start and Improve Your Business

Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) is currently the largest global business mana-gement training programme with a focus on starting and improving businesses as a strategy for creating more and better employment for women and men.

SIYB is for potential entrepreneurs who want to start a small business and for existing entrepre-neurs who want to improve their business. The programme is a combination of training,field work and after-training support, and helps participants assess their readiness to start a business and to prepare a business plan and evaluate its viability

GET Ahead: Gender and Entrepreneurship Together
GET Ahead: Gender and Entrepreneurship Together

The ILO GET Ahead training package guides trainers in the delivery of a holistic training programme to women wanting to start or already running a small business. It deals with internal and external factors influencing women in starting or succeeding in business besides the ABC of entrepreneurship (marketing, finance, operations etc).

GET Ahead has been used in over 30 countries and helped over half a million women better understand the basics of business and find strategies on how to deal with issues such as household and community demands, networking and mobility. The 2017 version of GET Ahead incorporates new elements of coaching and peer learning processes, building women’s knowledge and confidence around developing business plans.

Become a certified trainer

Each year, qualified business trainers from around the world have the possibility to become certified trainers in key ILO entrepreneurship training packages, combining intense training of trainers on both content and methodological issues.

If you are a trainer working for a public or private institution striving to make a real difference in the lives of new or existing entrepreneurs, feel free to contact us.