Strong statistical systems that collect, produce, and disseminate high quality labour market information remain critical for evidence-based policies that promote "full and productive employment and decent work for all" and the achievement of social justice. The demand for timely, reliable and relevant statistical data has been growing and gaining new relevance in a world defined by multitude of crises and threats on the one hand and the challenges and possibilities offered by global measurements, big data and artificial intelligence on the other.
In 2023, the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) held its centenary session addressing a number of crucial topics, including the measurement of informal economy and other key concepts such as care economy, earnings, classifications and labour migration. While progress in respect of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is being traced through the global indicator framework, now the ILO is also called on to measure progress towards the advancement of social justice.
The innovative statistical standards set by the 19th, 20th and 21st ICLSs are crucial for the overarching goal of achieving social justice through decent work. Implementing these standards will also greatly contribute to monitoring progress towards the achievement of the SDGs.
Following up on the successful 21st ICLS in 2023 that set an ambitious agenda for the statistical community, the ILO Department of Statistics and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) are proud to offer the 2024 Labour Statistics Academy for data producers and users. The Academy offers a valuable opportunity to reflect on the ongoing challenges facing statistical systems and to learn about the latest developments in international statistical standards that are crucial for the achievement of social justice through decent work.
The target audience for the Academy includes:
The Academy, alongside series of plenary sessions on recurrent and current topics, has two Learning Paths that provide integrated yet differentiated learning experiences.
During the plenary sessions, the Academy will present key concepts and best practices relevant to both Learning Paths. In addition, there will be sessions dedicated to each of the Learning Paths allowing a differentiated learning opportunity for participants.
The Academy aims to:
The academy is fee-paying. The cost breakdown is as follow:
Payments and cancellation
Early application is strongly recommended since admission is competitive and space is limited.
Interested candidates should register on-line through this link:
Selection will be based on the following criteria:
Kindly note that we need to receive the above-mentioned documents in order to register you for the Academy; the application form alone is not enough.
We highly encourage the participation of women and persons with disability.
The deadline for applications is 25th of October 2024
Important note: The application deadline has to be respected in order to leave ample time for participants to acquire a visa to enter Italy. The visa process is totally beyond the control of ITCILO and depends solely on the Italian embassy responsible for issuing visas to the participants.
- Administrative arrangements can be coordinated through the following email (;
- For the technical coordination, please also be in contact with the ITCILO programme officer Mr. Mostafa Mohamed (