Advocacy Toolkit for Quality Apprenticeships

Advocacy Toolkit for Quality Apprenticeships

Toolkit R208
Promoting the ILO Recommendation No 208

A toolkit tailored for employers and workers to promote the adoption and application of the Recommendation on quality apprenticeship, aligning with the latest standard set forth by the 111th International Labour Conference.

Discover the Advocacy Toolkit for Quality Apprenticeships

Explore the latest developments in apprenticeship standards. At the 111th International Labour Conference, a groundbreaking new standard on apprenticeships was adopted. This innovative labor standard is designed to foster "opportunities for individuals of all ages to acquire, enhance, and continuously update their skills" in the face of ever-evolving labor markets.



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ILO Recommendation No 208

This Recommendation reflects a strong commitment to take effective measures to prevent and eliminate exploitation, discrimination, violence and harassment against apprentices and to provide adequate and effective remedies. This new instrument recognises that the promotion and development of quality apprenticeship can lead to decent work, contribute to effective and efficient responses to the challenges of the world of work and provide lifelong learning opportunities to improve productivity, resilience, transitions and employability and meet the current and future needs of apprentices, employers and the labour market.

Download the INFOGRAPHICS now!

Engage in promoting quality apprenticeship systems in your country by accessing these informative infographics. Our goal is to enhance public awareness of the world of work and emphasize the importance of quality apprenticeships.

Download two infographics:

  1. Unveiling R208: Shaping Apprenticeship Standards.
  2. Tripartite Review: Optimizing National Apprenticeships.

Take action to advance quality apprenticeships! Download now to explore further.

Take action now!

Participate in the social media promotion and make a difference!

Find a wide range of communication activities that anyone can do to support QualityApprenticeship.

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Why participate?

For a period of 5 weeks, with 2 publications per week, we aim to distribute engaging content via various social networks. By participating, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Inform and raise awareness among workers, employers, and policymakers about R208 and the numerous benefits of quality apprenticeships.
  • Combat stereotypes surrounding apprenticeships and highlight their value in today's rapidly changing job market.
How to participate?

We've made it easy for you to get involved! We've created a comprehensive toolkit that includes:

  • A detailed calendar of social media publications, outlining the text and associated social media cards for each day of publication.
  • Pre-prepared content for various social media platforms (such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), which you can simply copy and paste onto your own accounts.
  • Flexibility to use the provided content beyond the calendar dates, allowing you to support national apprenticeship events or initiatives at your convenience.
Together, let's amplify our voices and promote the importance of quality apprenticeships worldwide.


Join the promotion today



Skills development -and learning in particular- is a key area in the strategies of both workers' and employers' organisations.

Inspiring stories

Explore our podcast episode titled "How can we close the skills gap? Quality apprenticeships and the future of work," part of our toolkit addressing the evolving landscape of the workforce.

In this episode, experts Martin Henry and Kathryn Rowan discuss strategies to bridge the skills gap and shape the future of work.

Explore our podcast episode titled “Informal apprenticeships and the future of work”

In this podcast, Yasser Ali, technical specialist on skills development explains what needs to be done to strengthen apprenticeships in the informal economy.

ILO adopts new apprenticeship standard

The International Labour Conference concluded with the adoption of a new recommendation on quality apprenticeship and resolutions on just transition and occupational safety and health.

What is the role of apprenticeship in the future of work?

Conference participants share their views on: the role of apprenticeships in the future of work; the types of innovation that will be needed; the role of apprenticeships in promoting the skills and employability of young people; and the challenges facing apprenticeship systems.

The new Recommendation stresses that apprenticeship should be promoted and regulated, including through social dialogue, in order to ensure its quality, to provide benefits and protection for apprentices and enterprises, and to improve the attractiveness of apprenticeship for apprentices and potential employers, including micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

“…Increased investment in skills development and lifelong learning should not be seen as an expense but as an investment in the future. It is essential to promote an inclusive, sustainable and resilient people-centred approach and a just transition to a future of work that contributes to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental dimensions..."


ILO General Discussion 2021

109th International Labour Conference on Skills and Lifelong Learning