Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development (2024-25)

Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development (2021-2022)
Photo © Sdecoret

Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development (2024-25)

14 October 2024–13 October 2025
The course is available in English

From legislative and regulatory to organizational and managerial foundations, this Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development explores a modern public procurement system. Dive into the study of policy tools and theory with applied assignments and research work to bridge the current deficit in qualified human resources.

Key features

Learn by doing, through case studies, workshops, and group exercises


Exchange ideas with international students and faculty


Engage with experts from the ILO and other international organizations

Introduction to the Master

The Master's programme in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development explores the legislative, regulatory, organizational and managerial foundations of a modern public procurement system. It aims to help make up the current deficit in qualified human resources and enable procurement professionals to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring public procurement in an economic and socially responsive manner while mitigating adverse environmental impact. The programme is a unique blended-learning opportunity that combines the study of policy tools and theory with applied assignments and research work. It provides direct access to expertise from academia, international organizations and think tanks, as well as the latest literature and cutting-edge research, in preparation for a range of highly developed functions connected with public procurement management and its supervision.

Who attends this Master?

Public procurement practitioners, managers and officials of ministries, local government bodies and public expenditure supervisory bodies; procurement and financial auditors from the public and private sectors; project managers and procurement personnel from investment and technical cooperation projects financed by development agencies (IFIs, the United Nations, the EU, NGOs); recent university graduates who intend to work in the field of public procurement or public expenditure management; procurement trainers and professionals involved in the development and implementation of national procurement training programmes and certification schemes; procurement practitioners from the private sector; procurement consultants and procurement advisers.

The Master in Numbers
The Master

The Master is an intensive, blended-learning experience of one full year duration, of which only four months require full classroom attendance. It requires your total dedication as well as your maximum intellectual commitment.

The unique learning path offered by this Master through a succession of distance learning, face-to-face tuition and applied research ensures an optimal transfer of competences while minimizing disruption of your job.

The award of a First Level Master by the University of Turin is conditional on your performance in the formal examinations and assignments, as well as on a successful dissertation on an approved procurement topic.

The Master provides you with a comprehensive package of “learning resources” which include:

  • materials for each subject, comprising essential textbooks and other relevant materials
  • interactive lectures led by professors and senior procurement experts followed by assignments/case studies enabling you to internalize the knowledge and measure learning
  • tutoring by dedicated teaching assistants and guidance by an overall coordinator.

The Master is an intensive, blended-learning course of one full year's duration, which is divided into:

Part I – Distance learning online (14 October 2024 – 30 March 2025)

  • Introduction to the legal framework for public procurement
  • Introduction to procurement management
  • Introduction to economics of public procurement

Part II – Face-to-face learning  (13 March – 13 June 2025)

  • Instruction, incorporating application work and group/individual solutions of assignments
  • 23 “core themes” 
  1. International Legal instruments governing PP (WTO, EU, UNCITRAL, WB, COMESA)
  2. Institutional models for PP and integration with Public Expenditure Management
  3. Economics of Procurement Management, game theory and reverse auctions
  4. Companies’ Balance Sheet analysis and financial reporting standards
  5. The design of centralized public procurement strategies*
  6. Procurement Process, Project cycle and risk management
  7. Procurement methods
  8. Intellectual Property issues related to Public Procurement
  9. Public Procurement in the Health sector
  10. Procurement Management of Supply Contracts
  11. Procurement of Physical Services
  12. Works Procurement Management
  13. Procurement of Consultancy services
  14. Procurement in the Utilities sector and Defence Procurement
  15. Procurement remedies (bidders’ complaints procedures)
  16. Contract Law and Dispute settlement
  17. Supply Chain Management: Logistics, Insurance Policies and Incoterms
  18. Legal framework and Economics of Public Private Partnerships
  19. Sustainable procurement: social, economic and environmental considerations in public procurement
  20. Advanced Contract Management
  21. Fraud and Corruption in Public Procurement
  22. Procurement Audit
  23. E-Procurement (Legal issues and implementation models)

Final dissertation (outline to be presented in Turin by June 2025, deadline mid-October)

  • individual research on a selected procurement topic
  • under the guidance of a supervisor

The evaluation strategy uses different types of assessments: 

  • Self-assessment. You will be given tools with which to check your own level of understanding and produce feedback on your learning progress. This is an informal way of assessing your knowledge. It will not count towards the final mark but will help you confirm your progress and identify any weak points.
  • Assessment. The knowledge and skills acquired will be assessed throughout the Master with systematic tests, exams and essays. These will count towards your final mark. 


A First Level Master from the University of Turin will be awarded to all participants who fulfil the following conditions:

  • demonstrate the level of competence set by the tutors through the assignments submitted;
  • satisfy the attendance requirements: attendance at all training sessions during the residential phase is compulsory: only participants with at least 90% attendance of training sessions will be entitled to apply for the Master;
  • successfully pass the exams;
  • successfully complete the final dissertation.

There are two Masters, level I and level II.

The only difference between them is the educational background and academic qualification required: to enrol on a level I Master's you need a bachelor degree; while for a level II Master's you already need a post-graduate degree. Pursuing a Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development a first level Master will be awarded.

For more information please visit: 

The Master is held in English.

The nineteenth Master's edition 2024/25 will start on 14 October 2024. It has three parts, with the following timetable:

  • The first part consists of distance learning over the Internet: it starts on 14 October 2024 and ends on 30 March 2025.
  • The second part consists of face-to-face learning. It is residential: lessons will be held in Turin at the ITC-ILO Campus from 31 March to 13 June 2025. Attendance of classes is compulsory.
  • The third part is the preparation and submission of a final dissertation: the outline of the dissertation is to be presented in Turin by June 2025 and it is to be completed by mid-October 2025.

Students who pass the prescribed examinations will be awarded a first level Master from the University of Turin.

The Master will be held in Turin, Italy, at the International Training Centre of the ILO. Its Campus and facilities provide an ideal environment for living and studying, sharing experience, learning from one other and creating networks.



The overall objective of the Master is to help bridge the current deficit in qualified human resources and to enable procurement professionals to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring public procurement in an economic and socially responsive manner.

At the end of the Master, you will have acquired a full spectrum of knowledge and skills covering: 

  • internationally accepted principles of governing sound public procurement systems; 
  • legislative and regulatory frameworks, as well as corresponding institutional models for successful discharge of the functions of a modern procurement system;
  • economic theory, assessment  tools and financial analysis techniques, as well as accounting standards relevant to public procurement operations;
  • strategies and instruments for embedding social, environmental and human rights at the relevant steps of the procurement process/supply chain;
  • promotion of corporate social responsibility through public procurement;
  • execution of the procurement process for goods, works and services (including innovative contracting modalities like public-private partnerships and e-procurement);
  • risk management in procurement operations;
  • procurement audit;
  • control and reporting techniques for procurement operations;
  • design of systems for the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption in public procurement;
  • general interpersonal skills (negotiation techniques, team building and report writing).
What are the topics?

Students gain the tools to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring public procurement in an economic and socially responsive manner.

  • Internationally accepted principles of governing sound public procurement systems
  • Legislative and regulatory frameworks, as well as corresponding institutional models for successful discharge of the functions of a modern procurement system
  • Economic theory, assessment tools and financial analysis techniques, as well as accounting standards relevant to public procurement operations
What will I learn?

The Master is structured in three parts: online learning, residential classes, and an individual research paper.

  • Strategies and instruments for embedding social, environmental and human rights at the relevant steps of the procurement process/supply chain
  • Promotion of corporate social responsibility through public procurement
  • Execution of the procurement process for goods, works and services (including innovative contracting modalities like public-private partnerships and e-procurement)
What will I be able to do?

This intensive, year-long Master combines online and residential work for students at different stages of their careers.

  • Control and report techniques for procurement operations
  • Manage risk in procurement operations
  • Design systems for the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption in public procurement
Why should I enroll?

Students learn by studying, collaborating, and observing practitioners in action.

  • This Master draws from the ITCILO’s training portfolio, the ILO’s research, and the Università di Torino’s academic expertise.
  • Dedicated tutors are available to answer questions and provide support throughout the learning journey.
  • Teaching methodologies include lectures, workshops, and case studies, as well as an online platform for readings, videos, and exercises.

The Master is a flagship of the Turin School of Development (ITCILO) delivered as a first-level Masters by the Faculties of Law and Management of the University of Turin. It prepares students to apply their knowledge in a range of executive and managerial functions connected with public procurement management and its supervision. It provides students with direct access to expertise from academia, international organizations, think-tanks and the private sector to respond to current and future challenges. It explores the legislativeregulatoryorganizational and managerial foundations of a modern public procurement system.

For frequently asked questions please consult this webpage

Specialized courses

Within the Master in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development Programme, the Sustainable Development cluster of the ITCILO offers a series of Specialized Courses. These courses are a focused and in-depth look to each of the corresponding subjects, enabling the target participant to attain a high degree of knowledge and proficiency in an abridged amount of time.

University of Turin

The University of Turin is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian Universities. Hosting over 74.000 students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, the University of Turin can be considered as “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing research, innovation, training and employment.

United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law

The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), established by the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 2205 of 17 December 1966 plays an important role in developing that framework in pursuance of its mandate to further the progressive harmonization and modernization of the law of international trade. 

Concessionaria Servizi Informativi Pubblici
Concessionaria Servizi Informativi Pubblici

Consip is a joint-stock company, 100% owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which operates - according to the strategic guidelines defined by the Shareholder - at the exclusive service of the Public Administration. The company's mission is to make the use of public resources more efficient and transparent, providing administrations with tools and skills to manage their purchases and stimulating companies to compete with the public system. 


Practically very useful. After finishing this Master, I’m so confident in doing my professional work as a procurement practitioner.

Myint Zaw
Myanmar, 2017/18 Edition

An extraordinary experience, where I was able to learn from my colleagues from different regions of the world, and that was one of my goals when I applied to this Master.

Laura Smaldone
Argentina, 2017/18 Edition

Spending 12 months with Procurement Professionals during this Master was the most enriching moment of my career, a new career I must add.

Madoda Mngomezulu
Swaziland, 2016/17 Edition

As a seasoned professional entrusted with public procurement responsibilities, completing this Master enabled me to connect and mutually reinforce my theoretical and practical competency.

Yvette Glele Ahanhanzo
Czech Republic, 2008/10 Edition

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