


Enhancing market competition and sustainable development

The Turin Centre offers courses for the modernization and reform of national procurement systems. These courses aim to upgrade procurement management at the legislative, institutional, and operational levels.

For nearly 30 years, the Turin Centre has focused on the implementation and evaluation of modern, efficient, sustainable, and inclusive public procurement systems that align with the 2030 Agenda.


More about procurement

Public procurement management is a cornerstone of good governance. It cuts across all economic sectors and constitutes 15-30% of gross domestic product in most countries, while enhancing market competitiveness and sustainable development.

Setting up effective national public procurement systems has often been a challenge, especially because there is a deficit of competent human resources. It can also be difficult to keep up with increasingly complex legal frameworks, the globalization of markets, and sophisticated contractual and tendering systems.

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the need to improve governance and speed up the delivery of critical supplies and services. The aftermath of the pandemic is an opportunity to design resilience-oriented procurement strategies and processes based on the selection of reliable providers; the creation of a portfolio of providers to be activated in case of emergencies; and the use of contracts to allow flexibility and outcome assurance.

The Development and Investment Programme (DEVINVEST) provides a portfolio of online courses in Procurement Management, featuring new online courses in French and Russian.