MOOC on Quality Apprenticeships

MOOC on Quality Apprenticeships

MOOC on Quality Apprenticeships


The course is available in English
Introduction to the course

The MOOC on Quality Apprenticeships is designed to help Policy Makers and Practitioners acquire and improve knowledge and skills needed for and implementing Quality Apprenticeship programme. This training package aims at strengthening the knowledge of Policy Makers and Practitioners in different regions of the world with a modular approach comprising two different learning paths. This self-learning module was developed from the ILO Toolkit for Quality Apprenticeships publication, a two-volume resource aimed at supporting policy-makers and practitioners in improving the design and implementation of apprenticeship systems and programmes. This course combines diverse national good practices with ILO experience with over 125 tools and guides from more than 40 countries and institutions. At the end of this course you will acquire knowledge about the growing relevance of apprenticeship in addressing skills mismatch and smoothing transitions into the world of work.

Who attends this course?
  • Policy makers and practitioners
  • Governments, employers and workers' organizations representatives
  • Anyone interested in improving their knowledge and skills on how to implement Quality Apprenticeship programmes
What will I learn? 

As a policy maker, you will:

  1. Become familiar with an inclusive framework for Quality Apprenticeship
  2. Identify strategies for improving Apprenticeship systems and applying innovative approaches to overcome challenges. 
  3. Explore policies and initiatives from other countries.
  4. Establish a network of Policy Makers from other countries. 

As a practitioner, you will:

  1. Become familiar with Quality Apprenticeship Training life cycle
  2. Identify international good practices for designing and implementing Quality Apprenticeship programme. 
  3. Apply tools and methodologies learnt to improve Quality Apprenticeship programmes. 
  4. Establish a network of Practitioner from other countries. 
What I be able to do?
  • Create strategies and innovations for Apprenticeships
  • Develop and run effective inclusive Quality Apprenticeship programmes
  • Address skills mismatch through designing effective apprenticeship programs for training places based ILO’s standards
Want to join?

This free course is available on eCampus, the ITCILO's online learning platform.

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