MOOC on combating forced labour through skills and lifelong learning

Mooc Sur La Lutte Contre Le Travail Forcé Via Les Compétences Et La Formation Tout Au Long De La Vie

MOOC on combating forced labour through skills and lifelong learning

El curso está disponible en English, Français

In this online MOOC participants develop their capacities to support the prevention of forced labour and the economic reintegration of victims through lifelong learning and skills development approaches

Key features

Learn through interactive lessons, real-life case studies, expert’s videos



Create and download your digital certificate of participation at the end of the course


The MOOC is fully online, asynchronous and can be completed at your own pace



Meet a wide range of profiles for knowledge sharing through the platform 

Presentación del curso

The MOOC specifically addresses how to design education and training interventions tailored to the needs of people who may be at risk of or have directly experienced forms of modern slavery, such as forced labour or trafficking for labour exploitation. This MOOC is part of the ITC-ILO's training offer on skills development and fundamental principles and rights at work.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

The MOOC is aimed at government officials, development practitioners, key ILO and UN staff working on related topics, as well as representatives, managers and staff of key TVET stakeholders, such as:


  • Technical staff from ministries working in TVET and skills development, education, social protection, and labour and human rights;
  • Experts and technical staff from CSOs, NGOs and other civil society actors, working in the field of human rights and/or TVET;
  • TVET teachers and trainers, in-company trainers and mentors;
  • Pedagogical staff of TVET trainers' training centres;
  • Managers of vocational training centres;
  • Representatives of workers' and employers' organisations involved in the implementation of TVET;
What will I learn?
  • Module 1: 1. Key concepts on forced labor and modern slavery and the root causes of vulnerability
  • Module 2 : Approaches to combating forced labor
  • Module 3 : The role of education and training in prevention
  • Module 4 : Victim-centred needs assessment, career guidance and post-training support
What will I be able to do?

Through this MOOC you will have the opportunity to :

  • Identify the key concepts related to the different forms of forced labour, the root causes of these phenomena and the socio-economic vulnerabilities of the victims;
  • Recognise the needs of people who are or have been at risk of being directly affected by modern slavery and the range of services required for their successful reintegration;
  • Design and implement effective education and training programmes to build the resilience of at-risk populations and victims and help them access decent work opportunities.
How is the course organized?

The MOOC consists of 4 fully online, self-guided, thematic Modules. Each Module contains interactive lessons with readings and video interviews, practical case studies and discussion forums. The certificate can be obtained automatically once you have completed the 4 Modules and passed the Final Quiz.

Why should I join?

This online MOOC is a completely free training offer. Through interactive readings, case studies, peer-to-peer forum discussions and quizzes, participants gain knowledge on how to design and implement education and training interventions tailored to the needs of people at risk and victims of forced labour.

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