Gender Mainstreaming and Sustainable Development

Gender Mainstreaming and Sustainable Development

Gender Mainstreaming and Sustainable Development

7 Septiembre–30 Octubre 2020
El curso está disponible en English
Presentación del curso

The online learning will cover the basic concepts and key international gender equality frameworks as well as the ILO decent work agenda. Wet will provide tools to analyse gender issues in various settings and the use of gender planning in all facet of your work. We will review the various forms of resistances and strategies to overcome them. This online learning draws mainly on existing, well-tested ITCILO training packages. Some modules have been developed anew, from the materials and experience used during in-house training activities. Outside expertise and documents will also be used.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

This online learning may be of particular interest for: - Policy makers, national and local public services staff - Employers, workers wishing to ensure an equitable process in their organisation - Regional and international development agencies - Civil society representatives interested in doing advocacy work and raising awareness on gender issues - Individuals interested in the mainstreaming gender approach, and in working in the field of gender equality

What will I learn?

This course will provide learners with an adaptable set of training and information tools among which participants can choose tools and modules most relevant to him/her to bring gender equality concerns into the mainstream of labour-related development activities.

What will I be able to do?

Become fluent with the gender equality by understanding:

  • the key concepts
  • the international frameworks
  • the key issues on gender equality in the world of work

Analyse and plan:

  • to implement gender analysis in a country context
  • to run organizational assessments

Promote and communicate

  • to develop the business case for gender equality and women empowerment
  • to identify and manage resistances
Why should I join?

Gender equality (or lack thereof) is one of the most important, and prominent, issues workers face today. Find out how you can make a difference in your own daily work and life.

How much does it cost?

Tuition is 995 euros.

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