Labour rights as expressed in international labour standards (ILS) are human rights and integrating them into economic and legal policy frameworks is critical to reducing inequalities and creating an environment conducive to more equitable and inclusive economic development to uphold the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda's pledge to leave no one behind.1 Ever since the ILO was created in 1919, the ILS it has elaborated, adopted and supervised have sought to set forth the aspirations, values and rights that were eventually expressed in the United Nations Charter (1945) and proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): "Faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and determination to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom".2 The ILO supervisory system provides key information on the application, in law and practice, of ILS, and from the reports of its supervisory bodies it is possible to note progress as well as challenges in the realization of human rights in the world of work. This work also has the potential to inform UN Development Cooperation Frameworks and the Common Country Analysis (CCAs), which are fundamental tools to guide the UN action at the national level. By delving into ILS and their linkages with other human rights, offering insights on how to integrate them effectively into UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks and CCA, and leveraging the work of the ILO supervisory bodies in these processes, this course aims to enhance the capacity of the ILO and its constituents to engage more effectively with UN Country Teams and embrace the human rights-based approach of the 2030 Agenda.
This course targets ILO constituents and officials; staff of UN agencies, funds, and programmes; representatives of civil society organizations; policy makers; human rights and sustainable development advocates.
The course will enable participants to:
The course combines:
The course is offered in English. A good command of this working language is required.
The total cost of participation is 950 Euros.
The deadline for submission of applications is 29 June 2025. Candidates must submit the application by clicking on the following link: https://oarf2.itcilo.org/DST/A9718014/en
Partial scholarships available for ILO tripartite constituents.
As an Organization dedicated to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, the ILO is taking a leading role in international efforts to foster gender equality. In line with this ILO focus, women are particularly encouraged to apply to ITCILO courses.