Impact Insurance Academy

Impact Insurance Academy

Impact Insurance Academy

30 septembre–4 octobre 2024
Le cours est disponible en English

A unique opportunity to learn from fifteen years of experience and innovations in inclusive insurance!

Présentation du cours

The ILO's Impact Insurance Academy is a unique opportunity to learn from more than fifteen years of experience and innovations in inclusive insurance facilitated by the ILO's Impact Insurance Facility. By combining plenary sessions with specific electives by the choice of participants, participative activities, case studies and intensive discussions, the Academy offers a dynamic learning environment for participants and experts from all over the world to discuss ways of developing inclusive insurance. Uninsured risk has devastating consequences for future generations and constrains their entrepreneurial capacities. In many developing countries, however, the insurance industry is not yet fulfilling its potential. The ILO's Impact Insurance Facility works to enable the insurance sector, governments and their partners to embrace impact insurance as a way of reducing households' vulnerability, promoting stronger enterprises and facilitating better public policies. As part of its efforts to empower the insurance industry, governments and their partners to realize the full potential of insurance, the ILO's Impact Insurance Facility and the ITCILO are together running an Impact Insurance Academy. The Academy is a unique opportunity to learn from the fifteen years of experience and innovation in inclusive insurance facilitated by the ILO's Impact Insurance Facility.

Groupes cibles

The Impact Insurance Academy targets mid-to-senior-level insurance practitioners exploring and setting up inclusive insurance programmes in their organizations. Regulatory and supervisory authorities willing to support inclusive and responsible insurance in their countries are also invited to attend. The Academy is also designed for financial institutions and other distributors interested in inclusive insurance. Finally, it is useful for development practitioners, funding agencies and technical assistance providers supporting projects in this field.

Impact Insurance Academy


The Academy provides
  • Cutting-edge topics presented and discussed in a series of classes facilitated by the ILO and partners’ experts and resource persons
  • A range of elective workshops offering insight into specific subjects, testing tools and training packages
  • Opportunities to present the work that you are doing and discuss with it with experts
  • A peer-assist session and space for receiving a structured feedback to shape your project 
  • Structured knowledge-sharing sessions with an application of interactive learning methodologies
  • Case-studies and examples from the world’s leading impact insurance providers

The Academy’s programme covers around 20 topics.

Check back in the next weeks for the most updated version of the programme with confirmed resource persons and experts.

Impact Insurance Academy 2024 –  Programme

Format and methodology
  • Plenary sessions discussing impact insurance fundamentals and current trends combined with a wide range of electives with experts
  • Participative activities, case studies and intensive discussions in a dynamic learning environment
  • Space to discuss and improve your own project or product
About the Impact Insurance Facility

Uninsured risk has devastating consequences on future generations and constraints their entrepreneurial potential. However, in many developing countries, the insurance industry is not yet fulfilling its potential. The ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility works to enable the insurance sector, governments, and their partners to embrace impact insurance to reduce households’ vulnerability, promote stronger enterprises and facilitate better public policies.

ILO Impact Insurance Facility website


Academy Partners
A2ii Access to Insurance Initiative
A2ii Access to Insurance Initiative
Munich Re Foundation
Munich Re Foundation
Insuresilience Investment Fund
Insuresilience Investment Fund
Agence Française de Développement
Microinsurance Network
Microinsurance Network
International Finance Corporation WB group

ITC ILO programme in Social Finance

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