Improving working and health conditions in agriculture​

Improving working and health conditions in agriculture​
Photo © Adobe Stock/Yaroslav Astakhov

Improving working and health conditions in agriculture​

O curso está disponível em English, Español
Apresentação do curso

This course is an online adaptation of the ILO training program "Work Improvement in Neighbourhood Development" or WIND. The WIND program consists of conducting training workshops with a participatory, action-oriented methodology to improve working and health conditions in work and living environments. The ILO Vision Zero Fund, thanks to the financial cooperation of the European Union, has designed this online course to increase the safety, health, and well-being of farmers and their families by applying simple improvements available in each local situation.


Perfil dos participantes

All those involved in improving working and living conditions in the agricultural sector (agricultural workers and their representatives, agricultural employers and their representatives, operators of rural or community organizations, consultants and trainers of public or private entities interested in the subject).

What will I learn?

This course will provide you with an understanding of the ILO WIND methodology and enable you to gain the knowledge and skills to conduct a mini WIND training workshop to improve safety, health, working and living conditions in rural areas.

What will I be able to do?

Upon completion of this course, participants are expected to have the ability to:

  • Describe the ILO's WIND methodology, as well as its characteristics and fundamental principles.
  • Provide technical advice to improve working and health conditions related to the storage and handling of materials; safety in the use of machinery; workplaces and work tools; the work environment and control of dangerous agents; as well as the facilities for well-being and organization of work.
  • Use the different tools required for a WIND mini-workshop: checklists, photos of good practices, resources for technical sessions, orientation materials, etc.
  • Organize, prepare and conduct a mini training workshop following the guidelines of the WIND methodology.
How is the course organized?

The course is developed in a virtual and autonomous way, which allows the participants to have greater flexibility in the time of dedication and study schedules.

Before starting this course, you will be asked to answer a series of questions related to the course to find out your level of knowledge on the subject.

This course includes the following 7 modules that include the following contents:

  • Module 1: The ILO WIND methodology.
  • Module 2: Storage and handling of materials.
  • Module 3: Safety in the use of machinery.
  • Module 4: Workplaces and work tools. 
  • Module 5: Work environment and control of dangerous agents.
  • Module 6: Facilities for well-being and work organization.
  • Module 7: Facilitation of a WIND mini-workshop.

At the end of the careful reading of the 7 modules, you must take the final test to assess your understanding. If you pass this final test, you will obtain a Digital Certificate of the course.

Visit our how-to page for more details on the Digital Credentials.

When you self-register in the course it is very important that you put your correct name accurately, since the system will use this name provided when releasing the Digital Credentials of the course.

Why should I join?

This course offers a non-traditional approach to stimulate self-sustaining actions to improve working and living conditions in the agricultural sector and rural areas. Facilitates training and certification to become a local WIND training mini-workshop facilitator. If you're interested, join.

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