ITCILO SURE project: workshop on “Mainstreaming labour migration in active labour market policies in Tunisia”, 26 -29 March 2019

ITCILO SURE project: workshop on “Mainstreaming labour migration in active labour market policies in Tunisia”, 26 -29 March 2019

What models are appropriate for a skills assessment system which integrates the key categories of migrants in Tunisia (potential migrants, returnees and foreign workers)? What data on internal, international and return migration is needed to adequately address the issues pertaining to target groups of migrants in Tunisia in active labour market policies? 

Group of participants around table

These were two of the issues tackled during the ITCILO SURE project workshop on “Mainstreaming labour migration in active labour market policies in Tunisia” last week.  The participants were members of institutions responsible for the professional and social reintegration of returning migrants. The workshop provided a conducive environment for identifying and addressing the needs and the services offered to return migrants, so that their reintegration can contribute to the sustainable development of Tunisia.

This course was designed for public institutions with mandates covering labour migration in Tunisia, in particular the General Directorate for International Cooperation on Migration, the General Directorate of Migration Planning and Monitoring, the National Observatory of Migration, the National Agency for Employment and Independent Work, the Office of Emigration and Foreign Labour, the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment, and the Office of Tunisians Abroad.