Promoting the Integration of Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe

Promoting the Integration of Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe

Promoting the Integration of Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe

The project Promoting the Integration of Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe aims at expanding knowledge about the integration outcomes of admission and employment policies for migrant domestic workers - who are often in a precarious employment situation - and enhance stakeholders’ capacities to identify and remove barriers for their socioeconomic integration. The project will fit and build on the ILO follow up action to the recent adoption of a new Domestic Workers Convention and Recommendation.

According to these goals, targeted training modules have been developed in order to provide, European social partners, labour market actors and local authorities with enhanced capacities to plan and implement effective policies and programmes to remove the barriers and pro-actively promote the socioeconomic integration of migrant domestic workers.

The eight modules developed can be used separately or all together since they have a very comprehensive structure which is explained in the Learning Guide provided. This Guide also gives indications on how to use the modules and supports the trainers so they can replicate the course in the most effective way.

Each module is also accompanied by a model PowerPoint presentation. It is a template which summarizes and reformulates the information and knowledge embedded in the module. It may be shortened, divided in several parts, or enriched according to the identified needs and audience.

Learning Guide
Learning Guide
Module I
Module I

Overall Framework on Domestic Work

MODULE II International Labour Standards relevant to Domestic Work and Migration

International Labour Standards relevant to Domestic Work and Migration

MODULE III European Union Framework on Labour Migration

European Union Framework on Labour Migration

MODULE IV Effective Protection of Migrant Domestic Workers Labour Rights

Effective Protection of Migrant Domestic Workers Labour Rights

MODULE V European Union Integration Agenda and its Relevance for Migrant Domestic Workers

European Union Integration Agenda and its Relevance for Migrant Domestic Workers

MODULE VI Migrant Domestic Workers Organisation Strategies and Models

Migrant Domestic Workers Organisation Strategies and Models

MODULE VII Access to Social Security for Migrant Domestic Workers
MODULE VII Access to Social Security for Migrant Domestic Workers

Access to Social Security for Migrant Domestic Workers

MODULE VIII Data Sources and Statistics

Data Sources and Statistics