Essentials of Fire Safety Inspection

Fire Inspectors Course
Photo © Unsplash/Arny Mogensen

Essentials of Fire Safety Inspection

The course is also available in Bengali

El curso está disponible en Bengali, English

This course is designed to provide support to the Fire Service and Civil Defence in its efforts to bring increase capacity of inspector and ensure they are well versed in internationally accepted standards.

Key Features




Presentación del curso

This online course was developed, originally for raising the knowledge and understanding of the inspectors of the Fire Service and Civil Defence of Bangladesh. It would help them to perform their supervisory duties in the  garment sector enterprises on the prevention and preparedness for Fire Safety. This initiative is to ensure that sustainable mechanisms are in place to prevent future tragedies and ensure safe working conditions. The course was developed in the framework of the Fire and General Building Safety Project implemented by the ILO in Bangladesh, funded by the Department of Labour of the United States of America.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

This course was planned for inspectors of Fire Services and Civil Defence to increase their understanding and capacity on Fire Safety Inspection and ensure they are well versed in internationally accepted standards. It could also be of interest of other public officials with supervisory powers on Fire Safety and, in general, anyone interested on Fire Safety.

What will I learn?

Integrated Knowledge about Fire Safety Management

What will I be able to do?

One of the major objectives of this project is to provide support to the Fire Service and Civil Defence in its efforts to bring increase capacity of inspector and ensure they are well versed in internationally accepted standards.

At the end of the course the inspectors will:

(1) Understand the requirements and guidance documents for Means of Escape requirements for Existing Garment Factories

(2) Have knowledge and understanding of why these means of Escape requirements are necessary to ensure that people are able to safely evacuate the building in the event of a fire. We will consider this form a first principle approach.

(3) Be familiar with some of the more common problems that you are likely to come across during inspections.

How is the course organized?

This course are comprised of 2 modules.

Module 1 is about Fire Safety Inspections and consists of 4 sections and 1 Virtual Inspection Visit.

4 sections are;

(1) Detection and alarms

(2) Evacuation routes

(3) Separating zones and compartmentation

(4) Access to fire brigades – Fire fighting facilities


Module 2 is about Fire Emergency Action Plans (EAP) and consists of 2 sections.

(1) Typical fire emergency action plan content

(2) Fire Emergency Action Plans (EAP) Templates


At the end of each modules, you are supposed to take Final Test to assess your understanding. If you passed the both Final Tests, you would get an Overall Course Certificate.

Why should I join?

(You do not need to Join if you do not want to.)

This course is constructed only for participants who are eager to learn Fire Safety Management to reduce the likelihood of injuries and their impact. If you feel like learning this course, please join.

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