Skills anticipation and matching

Skills anticipation and matching

Skills anticipation and matching

2 Noviembre–18 Diciembre 2020
El curso está disponible en English

This course examines the underlying principles, general methodologies and different approaches that can assist national policy-makers, experts and stakeholders in analysing and identifying present and future skills needs. The main objective of the course is to help participants acquire basic knowledge and understand the central importance of identifying current and future skills needs and labour market imbalances in a broader policy framework. Upon completion of the course, participants will have: - acquired a good understanding of the drivers of change which impact the demand for skills and the reasons for labour-market imbalances and their consequences; - discussed critical milestones, questions, objectives, beneficiaries and target groups where anticipating the skills needs of the labour market are concerned; - understood the underlying principles and different approaches to skills needs anticipation; - analysed different quantitative and qualitative methods and tools that can be used for skill needs anticipation and matching supply and demand in the labour market; - discussed the different institutional approaches and implications of setting up anticipation systems; - acquired a better understanding of how to analyse and translate data from anticipation exercises into adequate policy-making and planning.

Presentación del curso

This course examines the underlying principles, general methodologies and different approaches that can assist national policy-makers, experts and stakeholders in analysing and identifying present and future skills needs. The main objective of the course is to help participants acquire basic knowledge and understand the central importance of identifying current and future skills needs and labour market imbalances in a broader policy framework. Upon completion of the course, participants will have: - acquired a good understanding of the drivers of change which impact the demand for skills and the reasons for labour-market imbalances and their consequences; - discussed critical milestones, questions, objectives, beneficiaries and target groups where anticipating the skills needs of the labour market are concerned; - understood the underlying principles and different approaches to skills needs anticipation; - analysed different quantitative and qualitative methods and tools that can be used for skill needs anticipation and matching supply and demand in the labour market; - discussed the different institutional approaches and implications of setting up anticipation systems; - acquired a better understanding of how to analyse and translate data from anticipation exercises into adequate policy-making and planning.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

Policy-makers and technical advisors of ministries of labour and education; members of skills councils, national TVET authorities and similar institutions; representatives of workers' and employers' organizations involved in sectoral, regional or national skills anticipation; experts and technical staff working in the field of TVET planning.

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