Measuring Skills Mismatches

On line Measuring Skills Mismatches

Measuring Skills Mismatches

4–29 mars 2024
Le cours est disponible en English
Présentation du cours

Skills mismatching is a common concern of policy-makers, employers and workers. It is a recurring theme in vocational education and skills development, with many policy initiatives launched to address various forms of the phenomenon. Where evidence-based skills are concerned, policy-making statistics on various forms of skill mismatching are needed. Building on its long experience in delivering training on skills and labour-market analysis, the International Training Centre of the ILO, in full collaboration with the ILO Department of Statistics, offers the second edition of this online course that aims to equip national and international stakeholders with the necessary competencies to measure and analyse skills mismatches and imbalances for evidence-based policy making. The course is designed to enhance capacities to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour-market information related to skills imbalances from both the demand and supply sides.

Groupes cibles

National statistical offices (NSOs); ministries of labour and related institutions (such as labour observatories); governmental institutions engaged in employment, skills development, skills matching and analysis; international organizations and donor agencies engaged in skills matching; skills councils; national TVET authorities; TVET Centres; workers' and employers' organizations; research and academic institutions; international organizations; development agencies; non-governmental organizations.

Learning objectives

The main objective of the course is to equip national and international stakeholders with the necessary competencies to measure and analyse skills mismatches and imbalances from both the demand and supply sides for evidence-based policy making. The course is designed to enhance capacities to identify, collect, analyse and disseminate labour market information related to skills imbalances from both the demand supply side.

More specifically, the course aims to:

  • Enhance understanding about the definitions, terminologies, and resolutions related to qualifications and skills mismatches;
  • Understand differences between various approaches in measuring mismatches;
  • Foster better understanding of data collection, data analysis, and dissemination of labour market information related to qualifications and skills mismatches;
  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the LFS Module on occupational qualifications and skills’
  • Promote sound statistical data processing and analysis of demand and supply skills indicators;
  • Understand the various methodologies and tools used for skills anticipation and matching;
  • Familiarise with other data sources such as jobs surveys and online job vacancies;
  • Familiarise with key Indicators on education, skills and employment
  • Acquire a good understanding of the drivers of change which impact the demand for skills and the reasons for labour market imbalances and their consequences.
Online course content

The course is structured around four main modules:

  • Overview of labour statistics
  • Objectives, Concepts and Definitions of qualification and skill mismatches
  • Measurement of qualifications and skills mismatches
  • Skill needs assessments
  • ILO approaches in identifying and assessing skills needs
  • Policy Insights on skills mismatch assessment: Lessons from the OECD Survey on Adult Skills (PIAAC)
  • Next generation skills intelligence? Using big data to identify skill demand
  • Identifying skill needs and mismatches in jobs: The Cedefop European Skills and Jobs survey approach
  • The LFS Module on occupational qualifications and skills
  • Key Indicators on Education, Skills and Employment (KIESE)
  • Vocational education key to employability and preventing young people dropping out of school
Training methodology

The course is constructed as follows:

  • Lectures by experts and practitioners

    – Sharing knowledge with participants around the various topics covered in the course
  • Practical exercises and group work

The course will emphasize a unique learning approach, which is structured around three main pillars:

  • Harnessing digital learning technology

    – Interactive online platform

    – Online feedback and support

    – Online forum discussions and interaction
  • Training methodology will combine

    – Expert presentations

    – Live Webinars

    – Practical exercises

    – Online Group discussions and exercises

The course will be conducted in English.

Payments and cancellations

Payments need to be received latest 14 days before the beginning of the course. Payment modalities will be communicated in the letter of acceptance. In the event of a cancellation, a participant may be substituted with another candidate. Cancellations remain free of charge if communicated latest 14 days prior to the start of the course. For cancellations after this date, a penalty will be applied. For further information regarding payment, cancellation and refunds, please consult:

How to apply

To register, kindly fill in and submit the online registration form available through this link:

The selection of applicants will be based on the submission of:

  • A completed online registration form
  • An official sponsorship letter issued by their organization (or donor organization),

Kindly note that we need to receive the above-mentioned documents in order to register you for the course!

The selection of applicants will be based on the following criteria:

  • Proven work experience in relevant field (e.g., labour force survey data collection, processing, analysing and interpretation; statistical reporting);
  • Submission of the official sponsorship letter issued by organization or donor organization

We strongly recommend applying early since admission is competitive and space is limited!

Deadline for application

The deadline for applications is 19 February 2024.

  • Administrative arrangements can be coordinated with the course assistant via (;
  • For the technical coordination, please also be in contact with the ITCILO programme officer Mr. Mostafa Mohamed (

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