The COVID-19 crisis has reversed 15 years of progress in reducing youth NEET rates. In 2020, almost one in four (23.3 per cent) of all young people around the world was not in employment, education or training (NEET). The 282 million young people who were in this situation missed out on a crucial early stage of their personal development and risk facing severe disadvantages in the labour market in the future. This course, organized in collaboration with the ILO's Employment Policy Department, provides a platform for sharing of knowledge and experience of policy approaches and instruments for tackling the challenges of youth NEET. A variety of policy instruments will be discussed, including early intervention, activation, labour market integration, and outreach.
The course targets policy-makers and advisors from ministries of labour, education, youth and finance; officials of youth-led organizations; representatives of workers' and employers' organizations; and development partners.
One module per week:
Module 1. Understanding the diversity of NEETs
Module 2. Preventing young people from becoming NEETS
Module 3. Preparing young NEETs to seize EET opportunities
Module 4. Delivering and monitoring quality EET offers to NEETs