
Atividades de desenvolvimentos das capacidades

Espaço de interação para o compartilhamento de opiniões, conhecimentos e ideias e para o intercambio de boas praticas e experiências.

O programa para 2021-2023 será desenvolvido com base nos objetivos estabelecidos pelo projeto, nas formações e nos resultados dos programa precedente (2013-2020), nas prioridades formativas identificadas pelos beneficiários e nas áreas prioritárias de desenvolvimento da OIT, do IEFP e da cooperação bilateral portuguesa (PEC).

Níveis de intervenção

O enfoque de atividades para o período 2021-2023 combina três níveis de fortalecimentos de competências: 

  • ao nível individual (cursos em linha, presenciais, combinados);
  • ao nível institucional (assessoria para instituições de formação profissional, desenvolvimento de matérias de formação, apoio em temas de formação à distância); e 
  • ao nível do sistema e ambiente onde interagem indivíduos e instituições (plataforma de gestão de conhecimentos, evento presencial para a CPLP sobre formação profissional).
Áreas temáticas

Os cursos do programa de formação estão organizados em cinco componentes temáticos com um total de 24 atividades à distância e presenciais:

Since 2016, the member countries of the CPLP have agreed and defined their joint action based on the Multilateral Cooperation in Education, particularly on the topic of Technical Vocational Education, as a central instrument for the development of institutional knowledge and technical capacities, as well as for the technical training of the people of the CPLP member states.  The CPLP Strategic Plan for Multilateral Cooperation on Education identifies as one of the strategic objectives "to promote vocational technical education and lifelong learning".

The proposed courses complement and deepen the vocational training programme offered in previous years, orienting training actions towards more specialised themes, while pursuing the objective of establishing and strengthening collaboration networks between countries.

The ILO has a longstanding commitment to promoting decent work for young people through initiatives such as knowledge development and dissemination, technical advice, policy awareness raising and capacity building services.

A high level of youth unemployment represents a waste of potential human resources and talent, vital for rejuvenating the workforce. Correcting the problem could bring a huge economic return. Similarly, the social costs of youth unemployment (and withdrawal from the labour market) are extremely high. Unemployment breeds social exclusion, which in turn gives rise to heavy welfare dependency, leads to crime and anti-social behaviour, and makes societies more vulnerable to civil disorder and political unrest.

At the XIV Meeting of CPLP Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs, "COVID-19 and the World of Work", on 30 March 2021, Ministers from participating countries recognised that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated youth unemployment and that the social and economic integration of young people is extremely difficult, particularly for young women and youth in low-income countries. They therefore reiterated their commitment to promoting youth-focused social policies and active employment measures and, to that end, urged greater investment in the creation of decent jobs for young people, fostering internship and first-job support programmes, social protection for young people and increasing online education and vocational training responses.

The Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) approved at the XIV Meeting of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs held on 30 March 2021, with the support and technical advice of the ILO, its "Action Plan 2021-2025 - Combating Child Labour in CPLP Member States". 

A highlight of this important meeting was the agreement of member countries to join the 8.7 Alliance, the global partnership to catalyse action on target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relating to the eradication of forced labour, the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking and the elimination of child labour, including its worst forms.

Indeed, the CPLP has been a key platform to support the eradication of child labour in the PALOP countries and Timor-Leste by ensuring greater coherence of national plans and social dialogue mechanisms to combat child labour and share good practices.

One of the fundamental functions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is the drafting, adoption, application and promotion of International Labour Standards in the form of conventions, protocols, recommendations, resolutions and declarations. ILO standards have shaped the labour law of its member states and today constitute an important instrument for regulating globalisation.

In times of crisis, such as that generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, rights at work are put at risk, so it is essential to have a solid and unitary jurisprudence.

The concept of decent work encompasses the aspirations of men and women in the professional domain and covers several elements: opportunities to perform productive work with fair remuneration; security in the workplace and social protection for families; better prospects for personal development and social integration; freedom to express their concerns; organization and participation in decisions that affect their lives; and equality of opportunity and treatment.

In short, the ILO's main objective today is to promote opportunities for women and men to have access to decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity and dignity, and is considered a fundamental condition for overcoming poverty, reducing social inequalities, ensuring democratic governance and sustainable development.

The bulk of the courses proposed, implemented in close collaboration with the recipient and partner institutions and with the IEFP itself, are training activities that have been “tailored” to the training needs of the CPLP countries.

Metodologia da formação

Em linha com a “Abordagem de Aprendizagem de Turim” usada pelo Centro Internacional de Formação da OIT, os cursos são extremamente participativos e permitem a discussão, o aprofundamento e a disseminação e partilha de conhecimentos entre peritos e participantes. As atividades assentam-se numa combinação de diferentes metodologias de aprendizagem, alternando apresentações realizadas por especialistas reconhecidos na matéria com exercícios interativos e participativos, e espaços para a partilha de conhecimentos e a reflexão, onde os participantes são incentivados a partilhar experiências nacionais.

A quem se dirigem os cursos?

O programa de formação destina se essencialmente a representantes de instituições governamentais, organizações de trabalhadores e empregadores, instituições de educação e formação profissional, institucionais da sociedade civil.


Após uma avaliação satisfatória do seguimento do curso, os participantes receberão um Certificado emitido pelo CIFOIT.


A participação aos cursos é gratuita para as instituições dos países da CPLP.

Dado o limitado numero de vagas, as instituições e os participantes serão selecionados segundo critérios de perfil institucional e profissional, equidade territorial e de género.

Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10

10127 Turin, Italy