E-learning Course on the Skills Dimensions of Labour Migration

E-learning Course on the Skills Dimensions of Labour Migration

E-learning Course on the Skills Dimensions of Labour Migration

28 Marzo–6 Mayo 2022
El curso está disponible en English, Français
Presentación del curso

Today, many countries experience simultaneous inflows and outflows of migration.

However, it is alarmingly common that migrant workers do not enjoy decent working conditions. In this course, organized in close cooperation with the ILO’s MIGRANT and SKILLS branches and the European Training Foundation, participants learn about the skills dimensions of migration and how to design programmes to improve skills development and recognition initiatives for migrants. Join this course to learn how to improve and diversify the skills of migrants.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?
  • Experts in Skills development and Migration
  • Policy makers and technical advisors
  • Representatives of workers’ and employers’ organizations
  • Representatives of local authorities and other state actors
  • Experts and technical staff from NGOs and other civil society organizations.
What topics does this course cover?

This course focuses on the skills-related components of policies and programmes for migrant workers.

  • Skills anticipation and matching
  • Transparency, recognition and portability of skills
  • Skills development for migrant workers before, during and after migration
  • Dynamics of skills mobility and skills partnerships for development.
What will I learn?

Participants discuss relevant topics with international experts and their peers.

  • The role and scope of bilateral labour migration agreements
  • Benefits for using skills anticipation and matching tools
  • Diversity of labour migrant support measures from employment and skills perspectives
  • Best practices in skills development and recognition to boost employability for migrant workers.
What will I be required to do during this course?

Course learning materials and tuition will be offered online in English and French. The following requirements are therefore essential to participate in this course:

  • The ability to use and access a computer with internet
  • Working knowledge of written English or French
  • The availability to dedicate per week between 5-10 hours to the course.
What will I be able to do?

Participants leave this course connected to a global network of professionals operating in skills-related programs for migrant workers.

  • Integrate tools for skills anticipation and matching for managing migration flows
  • Design and apply skills recognition approaches to facilitate access to training and the labour market
  • Conceive skills development-related actions for migrant worker target groups
  • Assess the value of skills partnerships between origin and destination countries.
Why should I join?

This new online course is specifically designed for professionals in the field of migration. This is what they will benefit from:

  • Virtual exchange with global experts with decades of international experience in migration and employment.
  • Join and interact online with a global network of professionals to share knowledge and best practices.
  • This new e-learning course consists of a mix of online resources on good practices and case studies, interactive sessions “in real time” led by very experienced trainers, individual and collaborative groups exercises using our e-Campus platform.
  • Selected candidates receive a Certificate of Achievement from the ITCILO.
  • This course qualifies for the ITCILO Diploma for Labour Migration Experts and Practitioners. Take the Academy on Labour Migration, three courses out of all eligible courses within a five year period, and complete a capstone project to become part

of a global cadre of practitioners and experts with a recognised set of skills in labourmigration policy.

Who are facilitators?
  • Ummuhan Bardak, ETF, Senior Specialist in Labour Market and Migration
  • Miriam Boudraa, ITCILO, Senior Programme Officer in Labour Migration
  • Mariavittoria Garlappi, ETF, Senior Specialist in VET Policies and Systems
  • Christine Hofmann, ILO Geneva, Skills and Employability Specialist
  • Stefano Merante, ITCILO, TVET/Skills Development Programme Officer
  • Natalia Popova, ILO Geneva, Senior Specialist in Labour Migration.
How to apply?


Go to https://oarf2.itcilo.org/DST/A9715298/en to apply before 14 March 2022.

Prove your skills with a Diploma

This course is part of one Diploma programme:

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