Tools for the prevention and management of labour disputes in the workplace

Tools for the prevention and management of labour disputes in the workplace
Image © Alice Lotti

Tools for the prevention and management of labour disputes in the workplace

8–26 Julio 2024
El curso está disponible en English
Key features

Innovative training methodologies and integrated use of digital learning technology


Join a virtual community of social dialogue professionals from across the world to share knowledge and experiences


Successful participants will be awarded an ITCILO Certificate of Participation

Presentación del curso

While it is commonly admitted that conflict is inevitable, differences are made by the way conflict is handled. Indeed, the interactions between employees and employers within enterprises can be cooperative and harmonious, or characterized by conflict and disruption. Even where relations are generally good, the very nature of employment relations suggests that some conflict is inevitable. Such conflict can, however, be managed within the workplace itself without third-party intervention, even though assistance from third parties may be accessed from time to time on a voluntary basis. The growing costs of conflicts and their impact on production processes and employee satisfaction have driven employers and workers' organizations to establish new strategies and tools for the prevention and management of labour disputes in the workplace. This includes but is not limited to early conflict resolution, recognition of the role of workers' representatives, joint design of dispute resolution system, workplace cooperation and effective grievance handling mechanisms.

¿Quiénes participan en este curso?

- Government, employers' and workers' representatives; - Staff of ministries of labour involved in dispute prevention and resolution; - Human resources managers, personnel in human resources departments dealing with industrial and employment relations; - Labour court judges and lawyers; - Labour administration and labour inspection officials; - Industrial relations experts and practitioners; labour lawyers; consultants and graduate students; - Practitioners in the field of industrial and employment relations from the public and private sectors; - Staff from the ILO and other international organizations. Note: in the framework of the ILO's gender promotion policy, applications from women are encouraged.


This course aims to:

  • Develop further knowledge on effective approaches to managing labour disputes at the workplace.
  • Explore tools and strategies for the prevention of labour disputes in the workplace.
  • Develop acquaintance with successful experiences in the prevention and management of labour disputes at the workplace.
  • Increase the knowledge and practice of conflict management techniques that address the needs of the parties and focus on building stronger relations.
  • Provide an introduction to workplace cooperation and how it can be used to prevent and manage labour conflicts.
  • Introduce effective grievance handling mechanisms as a tool for prevention and management of labour disputes in the workplace.
  • Introduce a gender perspective in the use of these tools in order to fight gender discrimination and promote a zero violence and harassment workplace culture.
  • Promote the application of the ILO’s key principles and values on this issue.
Course structure and methodology

The course will be conducted online over the course of 3 weeks: 8 – 26 July 2024. The training course requires approximately 35 hours of learning.

The sessions will be delivered by ITCILO and ILO officials, as well as international specialists in the field of social dialogue and labour dispute, prevention and resolution. Sessions may include theoretical approach complemented by individual reflection through activities, plenary discussions, group work and other interactive activities.

Participants will have access to a dedicated electronic platform (ITCILO e-Campus, ITCILO’s e-Learning portal), accessible through a computer or any portable device.

On this electronic platform, participants will find resources and activities related to the course modules. Each module may include videos, reading materials, interactive content resources, practical exercises and other group activities related to the subject matter. Learning will be interactive and facilitated by a person who will provide guidance and clarification throughout the course.

We will also use new training methodologies, including the Industrial Relations Global Toolkit, through which participants will have the opportunity to interactively intervene and concretely exercise ways of approaching social dialogue and labour dispute, prevention and resolution at the workplace.

At the end of the course, participants will be asked to complete a final assignment upon which will grant the possibility of receiving a Certificate of  Participation.

What topics does this course cover?
  • Social dialogue, ILO conventions and recommendations on dispute prevention and resolution;
  • Conflict dynamics in industrial relations;
  • Effective approaches to conflict managements.
  • A needs-based strategy for labour conflict prevention and resolution.
  • How to build trust and stronger relations.
  • An introduction to workplace cooperation as a tool to prevent the escalation of disputes
  • Using effective grievance handling to deal with rights-based conflicts
  • The use of these tools to mitigate the impact of any kind of disputes, including those related to discrimination, violence and harassment in the workplace.

The entire training program will be conducted in English. Therefore, a good command of this language is required.

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