Training Toolkit on Establishing Fair Recruitment Processes

Image © ILO

Training Toolkit on Establishing Fair Recruitment Processes

Il corso è disponibile in English, Français, Español, العربية

للغة العربية اضغط هنا

This self-learning course is composed of five modules, which tackle specific—yet interrelated—topics pertaining to fair recruitment.

Key Features

Learn with interactive lessons, animated videos and training toolkits


This course is fully online, asynchronous and can be completed at your own pace


Complete the course requirements to get your Certificate of participation

Presentazione del corso

In 2014, the ILO launched the Fair Recruitment Initiative to help prevent human trafficking, protect the rights of workers (including migrant workers) from abusive and fraudulent practices during the recruitment and placement process, reduce the cost of labour migration and enhance development gains.

The 2021-2025 FRI Strategy (Phase II) will continue to be grounded in relevant international labour standards (ILS), global guidance, and social dialogue between governance institutions and actors of the labour market. The strategy is grounded in four pillars:

  1. Enhancing, exchanging and disseminating global knowledge on national and international recruitment processes
  2. Improving laws, policies and enforcement to promote fair recruitment
  3. Promoting fair business practices
  4. Empowering and protecting workers

This self-guided course, developed under the framework of the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative, has been designed in collaboration with the International Training Centre of the ILO. It represents a step forward to achieve the REFRAME Project objectives by producing and disseminating global knowledge and tools to inform policies and build capacities of relevant actors at different national, regional, and international levels.

Chi si iscrive a questo corso?

The course is designed for:

  • officials, policy-makers and practitioners of public institutions and ministries dealing with migration, trafficking and/or forced labour;
  • representatives of workers' and employers' organizations;
  • representatives of public and private employment agencies;
  • staff of NGOs and civil society organizations;
  • experts from international agencies and other key actors concerned with these issues.
What will I be able to do?

With this online training, you will:

  • understand why fair recruitment matters, and the need to protect the rights of workers, including migrant workers, from abusive and fraudulent practices during the recruitment and placement process;
  • appreciate the relevant international labour standards as well as the General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment;
  • become acquainted with the different types of recruitment processes that exist, including recruitment through private and public agencies and bilateral labour agreements;
  • share good practices of laws, policies and enforcement mechanisms, including a compilation of regulatory and enforcement models that have demonstrated a measurable impact in reducing human trafficking and irregular migration.
What will I learn?

The course is composed of 5 training modules:

Module 1 The first module aims to introduce the main concepts related to fair recruitment and the key features of the international recruitment landscape. In doing so, the module provides the necessary tools to tackle the other modules.

Module 2

This module introduces the normative framework for fair recruitment, consisting principally of the General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment, supplements legally binding treaties by unpacking the specific roles and responsibilities of the various actors implicated in the promotion of fair recruitment.

Module 3

The modern recruitment landscape is constantly adapting in order to respond to rapidly changing labour market needs. In recent decades, it has been characterized by a rise in the prominence of private recruitment agencies. Governments, in their regulatory capacity, are required to determine the legal status and conditions for their operation.

Module 4

The adoption in 1997 of the ILO Private Employment Agencies Convention (No. 181) reflected the acknowledgement of the growing role played by private recruitment agencies in matching workers with available jobs, and their potential to promote labour market efficiency. However, the Convention also recognizes the need for governments to regulate and monitor their activities.

Module 5

In this module you will understand how employers, businesses and multi-stakeholder initiatives can support the transition to fair recruitment models. In the same line, you will become familiar with concepts and terminology on due diligence.

How is this course organized?
  • Introduction section containing: a pre-knowledge assessment test and the first interactive module
  • 5 modules containing: Master class videos and Interactive modules
  • A training toolkit for face-to-face training activities: it includes a set of PPTs, videos and modules with exercises to facilitate the implementation
  • Conclusion section containing: Satisfaction questionnaire, post-knowledge assessment test and digital credentials.

Participants will receive an ITCILO Certificate of Participation upon completion of course requirements (complete the post-knowledge assessment test with passing grade)

Why should I join?
  • Because you can have a deeper understanding of the recruitment landscape challenges and opportunities, the role of key actors, public and private sector initiatives, and international good practices promoting fair recruitment and ensuring the protection migrant worker’s rights
  • Because it's a free learning opportunity that you can take at your own pace
  • Because it measures your knowledge and certifies it
Want to join?

This free course is available on eCampus, the ITCILO's online learning platform.

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