African Regional Academy on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

African Regional Academy on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Photo © Microsoft Copilot

African Regional Academy on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work


18–22 Novembro 2024
O curso está disponível em English, Français
Key features
Learn differently

With a combination of master classes, specialized electives, workshops, networking and peer-learning and practical exercises

From various experts

Engage with specialists from ILO, ITCILO and external experts


Tailor-made to your needs

Combine Masterclasses with the possibility to choose from among different specialized electives


Apresentação do curso

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW)1 are the cornerstone of equitable and just societies, serving as the bedrock for fair globalization. Within the African regional context, this academy serves as a vital platform to delve into the integration of FPRW while addressing the specific challenges prevalent in this region, such as child labour, fragile social protection systems, and informality. Participants will engage in dynamic discussions on realizing, promoting, and respecting these principles and rights, while also exploring cutting-edge tools tailored to confront the evolving landscape of work. From innovative policy formulation and implementation to the governance of supply chains to ensure decent work outcomes, the academy offers a comprehensive exploration of solutions to advance our shared commitment to human rights in the world of work.

Perfil dos participantes
  • Government representatives and public officers
  • Representatives from trade unions and employers' organizations
  • Other actors from the public and private sector, and the civil society
  • Staff from the ILO and other international organizations
  • Staff and representatives from African regional bodies, commissions and organizations
What topics does this academy cover?

This five-day training course will cover:

  • The five categories of FPRW, and their interconnected and mutually reinforcing nature
  • Innovative approaches to combating violations of FPRW 
  • Decent work, Social Inclusion and cross cutting strategies for the integration of all FPRW
  • The role of technology in promoting and protecting FPRW, including digitalization’s impact on labour rights and opportunities for leveraging technology for advocacy and enforcement
  • Addressing regional challenges specific to Africa, such as gender inequality in the world of work, access to education and training, robust social security systems and the informal economy’s implications for FPRW realization and protection
  • Strengthening sustainable supply chains.
What will I learn?

The Academy will offer master classes and elective sessions on:

  • The key principles of freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  • Tools to identify and tackle forced labour and trafficking in persons
  • Public and Private compliance initiatives to tackle child labour
  • Measures to promote diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination in the workplace
  • Measures to ensure a safe and healthy working environment
What will I be able to do?

Participants will learn how to: 

  • Enhance enforcement and compliance initiatives
  • Mitigate risks and promote fundamental principles and rights at work in supply chains
  • Draft national or sectoral policies and regulations supporting the realization of FPRW for all workers based on quality data and evidencebased policies
  • Understand OSH as a FPRW and how to develop strategies for the integration of all five categories
Why should I join?

The Academy offers a variety of learning settings :

  • Benefit from the Turin Centre innovative learning methods, including case studies, workshops, policy labs, active learning and online dialogue before the academy. begins.
  • Engage with the other participants and facilitators, building on their diversity, in terms of background and experience.

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